Ancient Greek Armors
Theatrical Muscle cuirass
2ος π.Χ. – 1ος μ.Χ.

The depicted item presents a relatively plain version of an archetypal Greek muscle cuirass. It
retains the basic anatomical and structural features of the original one and it is fully functional. The
two pieces have been made by hammering thin bronze sheet and are joined together by means of
leather straps and buckles. Specifically, there are two pairs of each below the armpit to secure the
sides and a third one at each shoulder. The front and the rear bronze plates bear all the essential
anatomical characteristics of a young athletic torso, with pectoral muscles, navel, ribs etc. The inner
surfaces have been all been padded with wool and linen lining to absorb hits and prevent wounds
to the wearer’s body.
The cuirass was made for theatrical needs.