Ancient Greek Armors
Aristion’s Corinthian Helmet Μiddle 6th century B.C

Archaic Corinthian Helmet (6th century BC) made of one piece of copper alloy plate (60 cm in diameter and 1.2 mm thickness). The shaping was done in a traditional way (hot raising) without the use of modern machines etc, only with the usage of hammers and anvils. After numerous of hammer blows( in different parts etc time) the flat metal gradually formed into a helmet. A very difficult, demanding and laborious work which does not differ in any aspect the original techniques of the ancient Greek Coppersmithing.Each Corinthian helmet was different in shape from the others (even in very small details) enhancing the sense of individuality / personality of each holder.
The particular helmet bears rich plum from horse hairs,the base of the crest is wooden decorated with repetitive geometrical meanders .The inner side is covered with woolen and linen padding. A fine specimen of Ancient Greek coppersmithing.